Our activities
Main results of UALPA activity for 10 years
- signing of a memorandum on cooperation between UALPA and NBAAI; - preparation and involvement of modern pilots (commanders of Boeing 737, Embraer 190 and Boeing 767 with international investigator training and IFALPA accreditation) to investigate individual aviation events conducted by the NBAAI; - cooperation with the Institute of ICAO under the NAU when conducting courses for the preparation of aviation events' investigators. - Implementation of an increase in the sum insured for the crew of an aircraft from 100,000 to 300,000 UAH. for each insured person (Government Resolution No. 676 as of 06.09.17).
- Elimination of additional medical examinations (six-month medical examinations, post-holiday examinations and long-term business trips) are not stipulated by European requirements.
- Implementation of medical examination in accordance with European requirements and elimination of violations by officials of the State Aviation Administration.
- Implementation of medical certification at the "Kyivcenteraero" Regional Branch Industrial Hospital (Boryspil).
- Amendments to the Instructions for conducting test-control exercises on the use of alcoholic beverages by members of the aircraft and aviation personnel, who performs their duties in the State Enterprise International Airport "Boryspil".
- Preparation of a modern specialist of “Fatigue Risk Management" according to ICAO and EASA standards.
The subject that UALPA worked and keeps working on
- Legalization of transport strikes (on the initiative of the UALPA, the bills were developed and registered by the subjects of the legislative initiative: No. 7046 in 2010, No. 4143 in 2016, Bill No. 4639 in 2016, and No. 4639-D in 2017).
- Decriminalization of Part 1, Art. 276 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (with the purpose of criminal liability only after the consequences of the event) - on the initiative of UALPA, an Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Responsibility for transport crimes - 2010" was held; bills No. 3285 in 2013 and No. 2325 in 2015 were developed and registered by the subjects of legislative initiative.
- Initiation of changes in labor legislation regarding the possibility of suspending an employment contract in case of untimely payment of wages (bills No. 7002 and No. 1658).
- Work on the implementation of a simplified procedure for the implementation of the provisions of the EU aviation legislation in the Ukrainian legislation (implementation of EU regulations in the form of the original in national legislation).
- Organization of public support of the bill No. 6392 as of 18.04.17 (amendments to the Air Code of Ukraine regarding the possibility of accepting and publishing normative documents by the State Aviation Administration in one of the languages of the EASA).
- Control over the implementation by the executive authorities of the Action Plan for preparation for the introduction of a common aviation space between Ukraine and the EU and its member states (Government Order No. 88 as of 02.08.17).
- Initiation of proposals to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine concerning amendments to the pension legislation on the recalculation of a flight pension when it is restored.
- Initiation of appeal in the Constitutional Court of Ukraine concerning provisions of the Law of Ukraine No. 911-VIII about the age limit for pilots to receive a retirement pension (50 years).
- Making proposals to the Ministry of Justice to establish a new court expert specialty "Investigation of the circumstances of the aviation event".
- Meeting of the Committee of the International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations concerning aviation security (IFALPA Security Committee) in Kyiv, where were discussed issues of cyber-threats, laser attacks, flights in and around conflict zones, attacks against civilian aircrafts, airport security.
- Raising issues of consequences for Ukrainian airlines as a result of attracting the largest European low-cost airline "Ryanair" to the Ukrainian market and the impact on employment (preservation and creation of new jobs in Ukrainian airlines) to the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Government.
- Commencements to the State Aviation Administration:
- regulation of the issue of attracting to the work (on contractual terms) effective and highly skilled specialists working in aviation enterprises (institutions, organizations) at the State Aviation Administration;- elimination of violations of the legislation of Ukraine by separate airlines (absence of control of accounting working time by trade unions and non-conclusion of collective agreements at enterprises) through executive bodies; - development of a new instruction for conducting test-control on the use of alcoholic beverages by aircraft crew members taking into account current legislation and the EU Regulation No. 2018/1042 as of 23.07.18; - cancellation of the Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications No. 295 as of 19.03.09 "Concerning Approval of the Rules of Information Support of the Safety Management System of Civil Aircraft of Ukraine" in order to harmonize the provisions of legislation of Ukraine; - changes in the procedure of aviation personnel certificates identification issued by other states (paragraphs 12.6.1 of the Rules approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure Order No. 486 as of 07.12.1998). - Making proposals to the Joint Representative Body of Trade Unions concerning measures to implement the provisions of the General Agreement, including the initiation of a bill by the Government on the protection of workers in the event of delayed payment of wages in active enterprises (the possibility of workers suspending an employment contract in case of untimely payment).
- Tracking and responding to violations of wage and daily allowances for pilots in airline companies.
- Control over the acceptance of foreign labor in Ukrainian airlines and the implementation of mechanisms for counteracting airline companies for the acceptance of foreign labor.
- Refutation in the court order of the explanatory letter of the Ministry of Labor No. 7825/0/14-05/015-15 dated 03.10.05 concerning the non-binding nature of the collective agreement at the enterprises.
- The defense of the commercial goodwill of the UALPA in the judicial procedures.
- Control over compliance with international obligations of Ukraine on aviation search and rescue at sea.
- Providing legal aid for primary trade unions in the creation and organization of their work.